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About SoulWorker

SoulWorker is a free to play anime action MMO based on the popular anime of the same title.

The game is a third-person action MMO designed in the same style as the anime. Players stake on the role of psychic teenagers with the ability to power special weapons called “Soul Workers,” which they will use to fight the monsters that have the vacant city of Cloudrealm. They won’t just be fighting, however, but also trying to discover what happened to the people who used to live in that city and possibly reverse it.

Players get to choose between six different Soul Worker weapons — each aligning to a different class. These are: a chainsaw, a cannon, dual swords, dual pistols, a great sword, and a scythe. More powerful weapons can be obtained via crafting. There is also a limit-break style system — the Zenith attack — in which players who have accumulated enough Soul in combat are able to perform a powerful move related to their weapon. To make things even more interesting, two players can combine attacks into a more powerful one referred to as Coordination.

Visually, the game is a 3D version of the anime it is inspired by. SoulWorker is slated for release later this year — although an exact date hasn’t been announced yet.

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Additional Information

Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.



Release Date
February 27, 2018
Windows (Client)

SoulWorker Screenshots

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows 7 32 bit




4 GB available space


Pentium 4 dual core


Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

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User Reviews

Lovely 3 years ago
very interesting
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