- 76Member Ratings
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- 15 Reviews
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About is a free-to-play, browser-based online fantasy role playing game done in an old-school 16-bit style. Built as a persistent world, Stein features hundreds of quests and a vast array of items to collect — including millions of equipment variations as well as mounts and pets.
The game offers plenty of social features, such as group functions, a guild system, a friend’s list. There’s even a housing and farming system. For those really looking for adventure there are dungeons to participate in and a PvP system made up of battlegrounds and open world combat.
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Additional Information
PG5-Studio UG
PG5-Studio UG
April 24, 2019
Web Browser Screenshots
Minimum System Requirements (Browser) is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer.
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