Top Free Shooter Games for PC In 2025!
114 free-to-play Shooter games found in our games list!

Get into the action in one of the longest running battle royale games PUBG Battlegrounds.

Get ready to command your own World War II military squad in Gaijin and Darkflow Software’s MMO squad-based shooter Enlisted.

World of Warships
A 3D free to play naval action-themed MMO from the creators of World of Tanks!

War Thunder
A MMO shooter that puts you in command of hundreds of the finest combat vehicles of World War II.

World of Tanks
If you like blowing up tanks, with a quick and intense game style you will love this game!

Halo Infinite
For the first time ever, a free-to-play Halo experience is available in the form of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer.

Call Of Duty: Warzone
A standalone free-to-play battle royale and modes accessible via Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Apex Legends
A free-to-play strategic battle royale game featuring 60-player matches and team-based play.

A cooperative free-to-play third person online action shooter set in an stunning sci-fi world.

War Robots: Frontiers
A multiplayer mech game set in a planetary system light years from Earth.

A third-person tactical shooter that features the unique mechanic of allowing players to switch between three-dimensional and two-dimensional forms.

Combine MOBAs, battle royales, and hero shooters into one fast paced game hand you have SUPERVIVE.

Spectre Divide
A 3v3 tactical shooter developed and published by Mountaintop Studios in partnership with former pro gamer shroud,

A free-to-play looter shooter from the developers of Operation Flashpoint and the Arma series.

The First Descendant
A free-to-play third-person co-op looter shooter developed and published by Nexon.